[100% FREE] Java Programming:Solving Problems with Software

Java Programming:Solving Problems with Software

Learn to code in Java and improve your programming and problem-solving skills. You will learn to design algorithms as well as develop and debug programs.


Improve your programming and problem-solving skills by learning to code in Java. You will learn how to create algorithms,as well as how to develop and debug programmes. You will write programmes that access and transform images,websites,and other types of data using custom open-source classes. By the end of the course,you will have created a programme that analyses comma separated value (CSV) files to determine the popularity of various baby names in the United States over time.

After completing this course,you will be able to:

  • Edit,compile,and run a Java programme;and 
  • In a Java programme,use conditionals and loops.
  • When writing programmes,consult the Java API documentation.
  • Use the scientific method to debug a Java programme.
  • Develop a Java method to solve a specific problem.
  • Create a set of test cases as part of the programme development process.
  • Create a class with multiple methods that collaborate to solve a problem;and
  • For a programme with multiple methods,use divide-and-conquer design techniques.


1. Introduction to the Course

  • Resources to Help You Succeed
  • Tips for Learning Programming
  • Using Forums:How to Ask for Help Effectively
  • Object Oriented Programming with Java Specialization


2. Fundamental Java Syntax and Semantics

  • Why Use Java?
  • Using BlueJ to Program in Java
  • Shapes:Collections of Points
  • Why Semantics:Motivation to Read Code
  • Variables
  • Mathematical Operators
  • Functions
  • Conditionals
  • Classes
  • New
  • Methods
  • Types
  • For Each Loops
  • Solving Programming:A Seven Step Approach
  • Developing an Algorithm
  • Testing the Algorithm
  • Translating to Code


3. Strings in Java

  • What is a String
  • Understanding Strings
  • Developing an Algorithm
  • Positions in Strings
  • Translating into Code
  • Java Math
  • Introduction
  • Conceptual Understanding
  • While Loops
  • While Loop Syntax and Semantics
  • Coding While Loops
  • Three Stop Codons
  • Coding Three Stop Codons 
  • Logical And / Or
  • Coding And / Or
  • Finding Multiple Genes
  • Translating to Code
  • Separation of Concerns
  • StorageResource Class
  • Coding StorageResource Class


4. CSV Files and Basic Statistics in Java

  • CSV Data:Comma Separated Values
  • Using CSV Libraries
  • Which Countries Export...? Developing an Algorithm
  • Which Countries Export...? Translating into Code
  • CSVExport:Summary
  • Hottest Day in a Year:Comma Separated Values
  • Converting Strings to Numbers
  • Maximum Temperature:Developing an Algorithm
  • Java for Nothing—null:When You Don't Have an Object
  • Maximum Temperature:Translating into Code
  • Testing Code
  • Maximum Temperature from Multiple Datasets
  • Maximum Temperature Refactored
  • CSVMax
  • Making Java Cookies 


5. MiniProject:Baby Names

  • Data Overview
  • Total Births
  • Batch Grayscale:Converting Many Files
  • Grayscale Algorithm:Seven Step Approach
  • Image Iterable in BlueJ:Grayscale
  • Batch Processing Grayscale
  • Saving Images with New Names
  • Batch Grayscale Summary:Converting Many Files


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