Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Zero to Hero
Beginners,learn AWS by using it. AWS EC2 web server,AWS NodeJS Server,AWS RDS database server,S3,SES & CloudWatch.
What will you learn:-
- Create a WordPress web server on AWS EC2
- Create an AWS relational database server and connect to it
- Create a NodeJS web application that is highly available and fault tolerant
- AWS S3 is a service that allows you to upload files
- AWS SES is a service that allows you to send email
- With AWS CloudWatch,you can monitor and get alerts
- How to utilise Amazon Web Services (AWS) for free
- Introduction
- Lab Session - Intro to Storage Services
- Lab Session - Intro to Database Services
- Lab Session - Intro to Compute and Networking Services
- Lab Session - Intro to Management Services
- Lab Session - Intro to Application Services
- Lab Session - Intro to Analytics and Machine Learning
- Lab Session - Intro to Security,Identity &Compliance
- Lab Session - Intro to Developer,Media,Mobile,Migration,Business,IoT
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Lab Session - Highly Available &Fault Tolerant NodeJS Server
- AWS Command Line Interface
- Lab Session - AWS Command Line Interface
- AWS Free Tie
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