[100% FREE] HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

Do you realize that the only functionality of a web application that the user directly interacts with is through the web page?


Do you realize that the only functionality of a web application with which the user interacts directly is via the web page? Implement it incorrectly, and the server-side becomes irrelevant to the user! The modern user expects a lot from a web page: it must load quickly, expose the desired service, and be easy to view on all devices, from desktop computers to tablets and mobile phones.

In this course, we will learn the fundamental tools that every web page coder should be familiar with. We'll start from the ground up, learning how to use HTML and CSS to create modern web pages. We will then learn how to code our pages so that their components automatically rearrange and resize themselves based on the size of the user's screen. You'll be able to create a web page that works equally well on a mobile phone as it does on a desktop computer. There is no need to "pinch and zoom"! Last but not least, we'll get a thorough introduction to Javascript, the most ubiquitous, popular, and incredibly powerful web language. You will be able to create a fully functional web application that uses Ajax to expose server-side functionality and data to the end user using Javascript.

Syllabus :

1. Introduction to HTML5

  • Course Introduction
  • Welcome to Module 1: Introduction to HTML
  • Development Environment Setup, Part 1
  • Development Environment Setup, Part 2: MacOS
  • Development Environment Setup, Part 2: Windows
  • Development Environment Setup, Part 3: Github and Browser Sync
  • Resources for Asking Questions
  • Lecture 1: What is HTML?
  • Lecture 2: Relevant History of HTML
  • Lecture 3: Anatomy of an HTML Tag
  • Lecture 4: Basic HTML Document Structure
  • Lecture 5: HTML Content Models
  • Lecture 6: Heading Elements (and some new HTML5 semantic comments)
  • Lecture 7: Lists
  • Lecture 8: HTML Character Entity References
  • Lecture 9: Creating Links
  • Lecture 10: Displaying Images
  • Module 1 Wrap-Up


2. Introduction to CSS3

  • Welcome to Module 2: Introduction to CSS
  • Lecture 11: Power of CSS
  • Lecture 12: Anatomy of a CSS Rule
  • Lecture 13: Element, Class, and ID Selectors
  • Lecture 14: Combining Selectors
  • Lecture 15: Pseudo-Class Selectors
  • Lecture 16: Style Placement
  • Lecture 17, Part 1: Conflict Resolution
  • Lecture 17, Part 2: Conflict Resolution
  • Lecture 18, Part 1: Styling Text
  • Lecture 18, Part 2: Styling Text
  • Lecture 19, Part 1: The Box Model
  • Lecture 19, Part 2: The Box Model
  • Lecture 19, Part 3: The Box Model
  • Lecture 20: The background Property
  • Lecture 21: Positioning Elements by Floating
  • Lecture 22, Part 1: Relative and Absolute Element Positioning
  • Lecture 22, Part 2: Relative and Absolute Element Positioning
  • Lecture 23, Part 1: Media Queries
  • Lecture 23, Part 2: Media Queries
  • Lecture 24, Part 1: Responsive Design
  • Lecture 24, Part 2: Responsive Design
  • Lecture 25, Part 1: Introduction to Twitter Bootstrap
  • Lecture 25, Part 2: Introduction to Twitter Bootstrap
  • Lecture 26, Part 1: The Bootstrap Grid System
  • Lecture 26, Part 2: The Bootstrap Grid System
  • Module 2 Wrap-Up


3. Coding the Static Restaurant Site

  • Welcome to Module 3: Coding the Static Restaurant Site
  • Lecture 27, Part 1: Visit with the Client
  • Lecture 27, Part 2: Visit with the Client (Field Trip)
  • Lecture 28: Design Overview
  • Lecture 29: Some Ground Rules and Overview of Setup
  • Lecture 30, Part 1: Coding Basics of Navbar Header
  • Lecture 30, Part 2: Coding Basics of Navbar Header
  • Lecture 31: Coding Button for Future Collapsible Menu
  • Lecture 32, Part 1: Coding Nav Menu Buttons
  • Lecture 32, Part 2: Coding Nav Menu Buttons
  • Lecture 33, Part 1: Fixing Navbar Layout, Text, and Dropdown Menus
  • Lecture 33, Part 2: Fixing Navbar Layout, Text, and Dropdown Menus
  • Lecture 34: Coding the Jumbotron
  • Lecture 35, Part 1: Coding Navigation Tiles
  • Lecture 35, Part 2: Coding Navigation Tiles
  • Lecture 36, Part 1: Coding the Footer
  • Lecture 36, Part 2: Coding the Footer
  • Lecture 37, Part 1: Coding the Menu Categories
  • Lecture 37, Part 2: Coding the Menu Categories
  • Lecture 38, Part 1: Coding the Single Menu Category Page
  • Lecture 38, Part 2: Coding the Single Menu Category Page
  • Lecture 38, Part 3: Coding the Single Menu Category Page
  • Lecture 39: Testing the Mobile Version on a Real Phone
  • Module 3 Wrap-Up


4. Introduction to Javascript

  • Welcome to Module 4: Introduction to Javascript
  • Lecture 40, Part 1: Adjusting Development Environment for Javascript Development
  • Lecture 40, Part 2: Where to Place Javascript Code
  • Lecture 41, Part 1: Defining Variables, Function, and Scope
  • Lecture 41, Part 2: Defining Variables, Function, and Scope
  • Lecture 42, Part 1: Javascript Types
  • Lecture 42, Part 2: Javascript Types
  • Lecture 43, Part 1: Common Language Constructs
  • Lecture 43, Part 2: Common Language Constructs
  • Lecture 43, Part 3: Common Language Constructs
  • Lecture 44: Handling Default Values
  • Lecture 45, Part 1: Creating Objects Using 'new Object()' Syntax
  • Lecture 45, Part 2: Creating Objects Using Object Literal Syntax
  • Lecture 46: Functions Explained
  • Lecture 47, Part 1: Passing Variables by Value vs. by Reference
  • Lecture 47, Part 2: Passing Variables by Value vs. by Reference
  • Lecture 48: Function Constructors, prototype, and the 'this' Keyword
  • Lecture 49: Object Literals and the 'this' Keyword
  • Lecture 50, Part 1: Arrays
  • Lecture 50, Part 2: Arrays
  • Lecture 51: Closures
  • Lecture 52, Part 1: Fake Namespaces
  • Lecture 52, Part 2: Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs)
  • Module 4 Wrap-Up


5. Using Javascript to Build Web Applications

  • Welcome to Module 5: Using Javascript to Build Web Applications
  • Lecture 53, Part 1: DOM Manipulation
  • Lecture 53, Part 2: DOM Manipulation
  • Lecture 54: Handling Events
  • Lecture 55: The 'event' Argument
  • Lesson 56: HTTP Basics
  • Lesson 57, Part 1: Ajax Basics
  • Lesson 57, Part 2: Ajax Basics
  • Lesson 57, Part 3: Ajax Basics
  • Lecture 58: Processing JSON
  • Lecture 59: Fixing Mobile Nav Menu Automatic Collapse
  • Lecture 60: Dynamically Loading Home View Content
  • Lecture 61, Part 1: Dynamically Loading Menu Categories View
  • Lecture 61, Part 2: Dynamically Loading Menu Categories View
  • Lecture 62: Dynamically Loading Single Category View
  • Lecture 63: Changing 'active' Button Style Through Javascript
  • Course Wrap-Up


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