[100% FREE] Become an Android Developer from Scratch

Become an Android Developer from Scratch

Simply the best place to start learning Android Development.


What will you learn:-

  • Make your own high-quality Android applications
  • Install the app on the Google Play store
  • Anywhere in the world,you can interview for a job


  • Welcome Video
  • Why Android Studio?
  • The Best Tools To Develop Your App
  • Getting the most out of this cours
  • Say Goodbye to "Hello World"
  • From Applications to code
  • Files,Packages,Classes,Methods
  • Syntax Symbols
  • Method Signatures
  • Data Types,Variables
  • What does a "code detective" do?
  • Visualizing Java
  • Memory Lockers
  • Introduction to Computer Memory
  • Computer Memory:Primitives
  • Computer Memory:References And Null
  • Android Studio:Out Of The Box
  • Android Studio:First Look
  • APP DEMO:Bartalk and Android Studio Setup Instructions
  • APP DEMO:Delta Bookshel
  • Arrays
  • Lists
  • Sets
  • Maps
  • Objects and "new"
  • Constructors and Allocation
  • Garbage Collection and "null
  • Operators and Assignments:bitwise and unary
  • The "return" statement
  • The if Statement
  • else/elseif
  • The "for" loop
  • Nested for loops
  • The "while" loop
  • The "break" and "continue" statements
  • The "switch" statement
  • Compiling and Debugging
  • What's first,next,now,later:Interpreting control flow statements
  • Stack Versus Heap
  • Control Flow Visual Aids
  • CHALLENGE:Pangrams!
  • CODE ALONG:Pangrams
  • Encapsulation and Thisness
  • Scope and Accessibility Keywords
  • Setters,Getters and Autogeneration
  • Inheritance,Polymorphism,"@Overide" and "super"
  • The "static" and "final" keywords
  • Using Enhanced for loops (for each loops) In Collections
  • Objects Visual Aids
  • CHALLENGE:Make A Comedian Robot
  • CODE ALONG:Make A Comedian Robo
  • All These Powerful Tools!
  • Abstract Classes
  • Interfaces
  • Callbacks With Interfaces
  • Typecasting
  • Generics
  • CHALLENGE:Making the Switch
  • CODE ALONG:Making the Switch
  • APP CHALLENGE:Update the Pet Adoption App
  • CODE ALONG:Update the Pet Adoption Ap
  • The Super 6:Mobile Design Principles
  • XML Basics
  • Introduction to Layouts
  • Linear Layouts
  • Relative Layouts
  • Margins and Padding
  • Gravity and Layout Gravity
  • Adding Images
  • Event Listeners Using Anonymous Classes
  • CHALLENGE:Change the Button
  • CHALLENGE:Make a Full Android UI
  • CODE ALONG:Make a Full Android U
  • Activities and Intent Basics
  • The Activity Lifecycle
  • APP DEMO:Activity Lifecycle Watcher
  • CHALLENGE:Switching Activities
  • CODE ALONG:Switching Activities
  • Passing Data With Intents
  • CHALLENGE:Data Mover
  • CODE ALONG:Data Mover
  • Intent Filters and Implicit Intents
  • CHALLENGE:Harnessing The Android App Ecosystem
  • CODE ALONG:Harnessing The Android App Ecosyste
  • Introduction To Listviews
  • List View Visual Aid
  • Basic Listviews
  • CHALLENGE:Build a Basic ListView
  • CODE ALONG:Build a Basic ListView
  • Listviews With Custom Adapters
  • CHALLENGE:Build a Custom ListView
  • CODE ALONG:Build a Custom ListView
  • Using The Holder Pattern and View Tags
  • CHALLENGE:Build Professionally Smooth ListViews
  • CODE ALONG:Build Professionally Smooth Listviews


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